
Making Well
22 April 2020
Dear Friends,
I hope this email finds you safe and sound.
As we rework our programme for 2020, the Journeys in Design team invites you to join us at home this month, ours and yours.
Try a little Wild Weaving
I hope you can join me at home in Edinburgh as I put my Wild Weaving skills to the test under the watchful eye of weaver Akshata Mokashi, joining me from her home in Mumbai; these sessions follow those offered during Our Linen Stories Edinburgh Tour. Our live sessions are scheduled 13:30 UK, 17:00 India this Thursday 23rd and next Thursday 30th April, details on our Journeys in Design Facebook page with suggestions on how you might prepare using items from in and around the home.
Tune in to our Talks
I’m delighted to introduce the latest in our series of Twilight Talks about Design available to view on our Journeys in Design YouTube channel. Opened by Ben Macpherson, Minister for Europe, Migration and International Development in the Scottish Government, "Sharing Culture by Design" brings together three truly inspiring speakers to report on design orientated initiatives that nurture links with Europe.
Play a part in Making Millie
For many who joined our recent Edinburgh Tour, "Oor Millie" was a favorite display. The latest chapter of Our Linen Stories develops this Linen Millie tribute to the hard working women of the Linen Industry. In partnership with 2020 Linen Biennale NI, we are calling for help to expand our troupe of Linen Millies for exhibition in N.Ireland and Scotland later this year. If you are keen to know more, please email.
Well Being is at the heart of our Journeys in Design and I hope these Talks and Workshops offer some creative, stimulating diversion to enrich your time at home. Next month we’ll be Chasing Rainbows in a special programme for May and offering details of a summer Journey in Design around our coasts: Salvage Scotland, a maritime SOS.
Wishing you well
on behalf of all the team,