
Necessity, mother of Collaboration
24 March 2021
Dear Friends
In the wake of the vernal equinox, spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere, and we're ready for action with design in mind. It's been a winter of listening and learning at Journeys HQ, witnessing and contributing to collaboration for change and developing our programmes with design and community at heart.
Prescribe Culture
Room for Art
Culture Adapts
Archifringe21 and Concrete Designs to Thrive
Silverburn and Our Linen Stories
PRESCRIBE CULTURE: I was delighted to contribute to the Steering Group of this initiative in its initial stages. Lockdown was no barrier to the extraordinary flare of the home team, and the programme evolved to include the T30TV project, providing opportunity to escape and explore some super intriguing local and international heritage venues.
Check it out here - open to all!
ROOM FOR ART: Art in Healthcare collaborates with Scottish artists in two key ways, placing art of high quality into health care environments and with their Room for Art programme, matching citizens with creatives in support of their well-being. Not to be undermined by lockdown, they have provided much appreciated classes online. With just a few days left, you may like to check out the top notch works available in their online fund raising auction here.
CULTURE ADAPTS: Bringing together international contributors and audiences for an online conference is no mean feat. Hosted in Glasgow by the incredible team at Creative Carbon Scotland, we were inspired by the power of creative collaboration in support of action on Climate Change. Open to creatives, curators, planners and all those with an interest, the team has collated a valuable set of resources here.
Our own Journeys in Design continue in three rolling cultural explorations, material adventures in linen, seaweed and concrete.
ARCHIFRINGE21: We debut Concrete Designs to Thrive with Architecture Fringe 2021, which this year asks how designers can radically rethink through 'un-learning', navigate complexity and create better ways ahead. We have been allied with ArchiFringe since their inception in 2016 and are excited to be part of the 2021 programme. Full details will emerge with #concreteScotland here.
SILVERBURN: I am delighted to have joined a great team on the Board supporting the re-emergence of Silverburn Park in Fife. The whole endeavor has well-being at its heart and the redevelopment centres on a Flax Mill with exciting work now beginning on the building's transformation. The winter months were enlivened by a beautiful intervention called Lantern Journeys, thanks to participatory artist Hannah Ayre, collaborating with local volunteers and schools. Our lead image this month is from the engaging Lantern Journeys movie on view here.
We hope you will join and enjoy our further journeys this year,
With best wishes from all the team,
John Ennis, Curator Producer,
Journeys in Design
IMAGE: 'Enjoy 2021' Lantern
Part of 'Lantern Journeys'
Winter 2020/1 Silverburn Park