Walks by Design
As more cities worldwide turn their attention to healthier and more sustainable modes of living,
we present our series of Walks by Design, novel walking routes in urban centres,
that highlight contemporary design interventions en route.
Our Walks by Design were inaugurated in 2015 and are given extra focus with themes that emerge from our allied Programmes - in Edinburgh on Urban Parklands (2015) and High Street Retail (2019), in Kirkcaldy (2018), Grantown (2019) and Belfast (2020) and in Fife (2021) on Linen Heritage. Our Walks are co-designed with local enthusiasts and leave a novel route for anyone to follow or adapt.
Our new programme, Concrete Designs to Thrives was introduced in 2021 with a "Concrete Walk in the Capital" Edinburgh, June 2021, and is launched on the ground with our 'Glasgow Green & Grey' walk, June 2023, co-designed with Invisible Cities, employing tour guides with experience of homelessness.
We look forward to developing our #concreteScotland walks across the country's eight cities in the months to come, with a focus on regenerative urban co-design.
Book on our latest Walks by Design via our dedicated Eventbrite pages.

Glasgow Green and Grey | Walk by Design
11 June 2023
2.00 pm Assemble at the Peoples Palace
3.30pm Finish at the Games Monument
Join us for a new ninety minute Walk by Design, highlighting some fascinating parkland features that link to themes from our Concrete Designs to Thrive programme:
Meet, Work, Play, Nest, Learn, Heal, Pray and Vote
Walking in and around Glasgow Green, our new guides introduce the back stories behind some key buildings, meeting special guests as we go.
We're keen to hear your own thoughts about what makes a city thrive, while we ask what designers can do, as we all try to walk more lightly on the planet.
Help us build our Concrete Scotland story board by posting pictures of what concrete means to you, using the hashtag #concreteScotland
Concrete Designs to Thrive is a new rolling programme from Journeys in Design, launching with Architecture Fringe 2023 in Glasgow. You can also book for our Twilight Talk 6pm Thursday 8 June at Civic House, 'Urban Co-design for Well Being'.
Glasgow Green is easy to find with excellent public transport links, and there are toilets on site. Do remember to dress for the weather, and wear comfortable walking shoes.
We encourage photography and film during the event and we take a simple record for our media and website.

Linen Walk by Design Paisley
24 Jun 2022
Trace the textile history of Paisley with us on a 90 minute stroll through town, with an emphasis on linen people, places and things...
Join this free 90-minute stroll through Paisley town centre.
Assembling initially inside Paisley Library at the Lagoon Centre
For those arriving at 2pm, Curator John Ennis will give a brief intro to the allied One Millie All Nations exhibition on show within the library as part of Scottish Refugee Festival 2022.
For the Walk, John is joined by the urban historian Stephen Clancy, who walks and talks us through the rise and fall of textiles in Paisley with an emphasis on Our Linen Stories. John supplements the tour with flax and linen artefacts and reflections on the urban design that has replaced once busy factories, banks and shops.
Dress for the weather with footwear to enjoy this leisurely ramble up and down the streets.
Our Friday Linen Walk by Design is part of The Scottish Refugee Festival and joins a creative cluster of events from Journeys in Design in collaboration with Sewing2gether All Nations.
All our events are free and bookable on Eventbrite, also including
Creative Journeys for New Scots Twilight Talk, Thursday 23 June at Mossvale
Sewing2gether Family Workshop, Saturday 25 June at Paisley Library Lagoon Centre
One Millie All Nations Exhibition, Wednesday 22 to Saturday 25 June at Paisley Library
This is the latest of our Walks established in 2015, celebrating creative interventions past and present during 90 minute walks in urban landscapes throughout Scotland. Click to view more below

Concrete Walk by Design
8 June 2021
In a series of live broadcasts 8 to 18 June 2021, we introduced our new programme, Concrete Designs to Thrive, outlining some key themes.
Our Concrete Walk by Design was an event series within Archifringe21, each a separate stop and conversation, which together form a walking route in central Edinburgh.Using your contributions from our live events, we are mapping the new walking route for future use.
Given the Covid 19 restrictions of 2020, the ‘walking group’ at each event was limited to those talking and our support crew. We are grateful for those who accepted our warm invite you to join a wider audience, live and online at each event.

Photo by Liz Beaton
Linen Routes along the Connswater, Belfast
16 September 2020
Our new Walk by Design in East Belfast celebrates linen heritage along the river Connswater and the extraordinary urban design of the Connswater Community Greenway itself. The walk was co-designed with local walkers and the expert Greenway guides. The Greenway is a 9km linear park in East Belfast following the course of the Connswater, Knock and Loop Rivers, connecting the open and green spaces. The route is gradually being transformed into a high quality, vibrant, attractive, safe and accessible parkland. Local residents and visitors alike use the area for leisure, recreation and community events and activities. You can find out more about the Connswater Community Greenway by visiting their website at http://www.connswatergreenway.co.uk/

Photo by Liz Beaton
Co-Design with EastSide Arts | Plotting new routes together
12 August 2020
During the EastSide Arts Festival 2020 local people were invited to attend an event to help design a new walk, sharing time and stories together to plot a new Linen Walk By Design. Journeys in Design worked closely with the expert guides of the Connswater Greenway team to ensure a safe route focusing on allied linen heritage. The planning walk took place on Wednesday 12 August, when 25 people joined the event, and offered their creative contributions so the final route took its lead from local people, bringing local linen stories and heritage to life in and around the river.
You can find out more about the Connswater Community Greenway by visiting their website at http://www.connswatergreenway.co.uk/

Photo by Maxime Ragni
Talking Shop on the High Street, Old Town Edinburgh
September 2019 to January 2020
Walking out from Dovecot Studios, we trace the development of shopping in the capital from linen halls, luckenbooths and lawnmarkets to draperies and department stores, stopping at contemporary design interventions en route (dates September 2019 to January 2020). Our inaugural walkers contributed their stories of shops long gone supplementing our own research into the British Linen Bank and the development of retail architecture. We give emphasis to the circular economy of the built enviroment by spotting repurposed buildings en route including the Dovecot Studio itself, a former municipal bath house and swimmng pool.

Photo by Maxime Ragni
Migration and the Sea, Creative Energies in Leith
26 May 2019
Our stroll out from the Custom Hose in Leith is a celebration of the creative energies contributing to this vibrant quarter today, reflecting on migration and maritime heritage emerginhg from Our Linen Strories exhibtion in 2019. Our inaugural walk stopped at 7 key design interventions and was supplememnted by tales from story teller Jan Bee Brown and Mark Watson of Historic Enviroment Scotland

Photo by Maxime Ragni
Linen and the Lang Toun, Kirkcaldy
1 August 2018
Kirkcaldy is known as the ‘Lang Toun’ as its High Street was considered the longest in Scotland, on the rise up from the sea, hugging the meandering Fife coastline. Liaising with the local community in Kirkcaldy, Journeys in Design designed a walk focusing on contemporary Design features and local Linen Heritage as part of Our Linen Stories programme in 2018 and 2019. Insights from those on the inaugural walk contributed to our final mapping project.

Photo by Ellie Morag
Design Routes through the urban landscape, West New Town Edinburgh
30 August 2015
Walking west out from Edinburgh's Gayfield Square at the top of Leith Walk, encounter seven key creative interventions en route between the city's many green spaces. Curators Anna Feintuck and John Ennis design a 90 minute walk, collaborating with National Library Scotland using old maps, new mapping techniques and insights from our inaugural walking group.

Photo by Ellie Morag
Design Routes through the urban landscape, South New Town Edinburgh
23 August 2015
Walking south out from Edinburgh's Gayfield Square at the top of Leith Walk, encounter seven key creative interventions en route between the city's many green spaces. Curators Anna Feintuck and John Ennis design a 90 minute walk, collaborating with National Library Scotland using old maps, new mapping techniques and insights from our inaugural walking group.

Photo by Ellie Morag
Design Routes through the urban landscape, East New Town Edinburgh
16 August 2015
Walking east out from Edinburgh's Gayfield Square at the top of Leith Walk, encounter seven key creative interventions en route between the city's many green spaces. Curators Anna Feintuck and John Ennis design a 90 minute walk, collaborating with National Library Scotland using old maps, new mapping techniques and insights from our inaugural walking group.

Photo by Ellie Morag
Gayfield Square Garden Walks, Edinburgh
August 2015
As part of our Summer 2015 programme, locals and visitors were invited to participate in 20 minute lunchtime Garden Walks. These walks retraced and renewed the 1876 pathway around the original Gayfield Square planting scheme, long gone. Guest walkers and outdoor health groups were scheduled to join the walkers.